Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering currently offered one program which is EM110 - Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. This program has been thoroughly conducted to ensure graduate employability. For this purpose, two elective modules are offered for this program in this campus. The electives are mechanical and naval architecture.

This program offered fulltime base with a duration of 3 years and has been recognized and accredited by the Malaysian Government and also by the private sector. With 93 credits hours, spanning over course of six semesters, this program cater to the various needs in engineering field.



Between three to five years of graduation, the programme will bring forth:
PEO1 Graduates who apply scientific knowledge and technical skills in mechanical engineeringrelated industry.
PEO2 Graduates who have the ability to lead, communicate and work in a team with professional and sustainable practices
PEO3 Graduates who demonstrate effective information management, entrepreneurial skills and engage in life-long learning.


Upon completion of studies, graduates will be able to demonstrate the following attributes:
PO1 Apply knowledge of applied mathematics, applied science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization as specified in DK1 to DK4 respectively to wide practical procedures and practices.
PO2 Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using codified analysis methods specific to their field of activity. (DK1 to DK4)
PO3 Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems,components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.(DK5)
PO4 Conduct investigations of well-defined problems; locate and search relevant codes and catalogues, conduct standard tests and measurements.
PO5 Apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to well-defined engineering problems, with an awareness of the limitations.(DK6)
PO6 Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and solutions to well defined engineering problems. (DK7)
PO7 Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of engineering technician work in the solution of well-defined engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts. (DK7)
PO8 Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of technician practice. (DK7)
PO9 Function effectively as an individual, and as a member in diverse technical teams.
PO10 Communicate effectively on well-defined engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large by being able to comprehend the work of others, document their own work, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a technical team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in independent updating in the context of specialized technical knowledge.



Between three to five years of graduation, the programme will bring forth:
PEO1 Mechanical Technologists adapt and transform the acquired knowledge in public and private sectors with respect to related professional fields.
PEO2 Mechanical Technologists are expert and competent in their professional fields.
PEO3 Mechanical Technologists are globally competitive and professionally employed in multinational/international organizations.
PEO4 Mechanical Technologists practice ethical and professional values in their respective fields.


Upon completion of studies, graduates will be able to demonstrate the following attributes:
PO1 Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialisation to defined and applied engineering procedures, processes, systems or methodologies; (SK1 to SK4)
PO2 Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse broadly defined engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools appropriate to their discipline or area of specialisation; (SK1 to SK4)
PO3 Design solutions for broadly defined engineering technology problems and contribute to the design of systems, components, or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations; (SK5)
PO4 Conduct investigations of broadly defined problems; locate, search, and select relevant data from codes, data bases and literature, design and conduct experiments to provide valid conclusions; (SK8)
PO5 Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to broadly defined engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations; (SK6)
PO6 Demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues, and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technology practice and solutions to broadly defined engineering problems; (SK7)
PO7 Understand the impact of engineering technology solutions of broadly defined engineering problems in societal and environmental context and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development; (SK7)
PO8 Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering technology practice; (SK7)
PO9 Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse technical teams.
PO10 Communicate effectively on broadly defined engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PO11 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in specialist technologies
Ketua Pusat Pengajian

Tel: 09-833 5123

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Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu
Kampus Bukit Besi
23200 Dungun
Terengganu Darul Iman

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