Conference Date: 15 - 17 April 2025
Submit your paper now until 30 January 2025.

Why you should join our conference:

- Online conference.
- The 4-in-1 multidisciplinary conferences — TIBEC, IAC, ICECT, and IMAC — covered a wide range of topics, including Business, Hospitality, Education, Islamic Studies, Muamalat, and Science & Technology.
- Our plenary and keynote speakers are from the industry and academic experts locally and internationally.
- Our publications opportunities are guaranteed at the chosen conference— Proceedings and Journal with indexes of Scopus, WoS, ERA and Mycite ( based on track and conference).
- Networking-  join us and add your academic networking.
- Chances to win the best presenter and the best paper awards on each conference

We are honored to invite all to join our conference. Click our website for more information:

TeMIC 2025 CONFERENCES : temic.uitm.edu.my
TIBEC: temic.uitm.edu.my/tibec
IAC: temic.uitm.edu.my/iac
ICECT: temic.uitm.edu.my/icect
i-MAC: temic.uitm.edu.my/imac - (Telegram: https://t.me/+aL_14YM7vPUyM2Jl)
Write Smarter, Not Harder: AI Hacks for Academic Writing Success
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Contact: Puan Norazlina Rahmat (Email: Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.)
Telegram : https://t.me/+7V_a_NJ8JQUzMDg1

UiTM Terengganu