Pusat Pengajian Siswazah

PPS atau Pusat Pengajian Siswazah UiTMCT bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan program pascasiswazah UiTM. Dalam membina reputasi sebagai institusi penyelidikan dan akademik terkemuka, UiTM juga telah mendapat reputasi sebagai salah satu universiti keusahawanan dan inovatif yang paling inovatif di Malaysia melalui hubungan dengan industri perniagaan. Ini bermaksud bahawa pelajar pascasiswazah akan dikelilingi oleh inovasi canggih, budaya penyelidikan yang kaya serta pensyarah dan penyelia yang memberi inspirasi.

Maklumat Permohonan

List of Postgraduate Programmes (Course Work)

 AA701      Executive Master in Business Administration
 BA775      Master in Office System Management

List of Postgraduate Programmes (Research) offered in UiTM Terengganu Branch

Masters                                                                                                          Doctoral (PhD)

AC750 Master of Science (Accountancy)   AC950 Doctor of Philosophy (Accountancy)
BA750 Master of Science (Business Management)   BA950 Doctor of Philosophy (Business Management)
CS750 Master of Science (Computer Science)   CS950 Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science)
CS751 Master of Science (Information Technology)   CS951 Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology)
CS752 Master of Science (Mathematics)   CS952 Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)
CS753 Master of Science (Statistics)   CS953 Doctor of Philosophy (Statistics)
CS754 Master of Science (Decisions Science)   CS954 Doctor of Philosophy (Decisions Science)
CS755 Master of Science (Actuarial Science)   CS955 Doctor of Philosophy (Actuarial Science)
CEEE750 Master of Science (Electrical Engineering)   CEEE950  Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering)
CE EH750 Master of Science (Chemical Engineering)   CEEH950  Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering)
CE EM750 Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering)   CEEM750  Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)
HM750 Master of Science (Hotel Management)   HM950 Doctor of Philosophy (Hotel and Tourist Management)
HM751 Master of Science (Tourism Management)   IC990 Doctor of Philosophy In Contemporary Islamic Studies
HM752 Master of Science (Food Service Management)   LG950 Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Language Studies)
IC780 Master of Contemporary Islamic Studies      
LG750 Master of Applied Language Studies      
Ketua Pusat Pengajian
Dr. Zalinawati Abdullah
Tel   : +609-840 3787
Emel : zalin5026@uitm.edu.my

Koordinator (Penyelidikan)
Dr. Farah Safura Muhammud
Tel   : +609-840 3752
Emel: farahsafura@uitm.edu.my

Koordinator (Kerja Kursus)
Dr. Mohd Khairi bin Ismail
Tel    : +609-840 3868
Emel : khairiismail@uitm.edu.my

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Cawangan Terengganu Kampus Dungun

Sura Hujung, 23000 Dungun, Terengganu, MALAYSIA.

Tel   : +609 8400 400
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